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Information shapes
your perception

Your perception creates life

Your mind is influenced under siege from:

  • Engineered Content Designed to Shape Your Reality
  • Subtle Forces Eroding Your Mental Sovereignty
  • Digital Frequencies Disrupting Your Inner Harmony

What can be measured can be mastered. We reveal the hidden patterns in your digital environment, empowering you to reclaim control of your mental space and cultivate the reality you actually want.

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Created by the unique collaboration of a former NIH fellow and licensed medical professional, united by their mission to protect minds from the effects of online exposure

NIH Fellow + Medical Professional

Your Personal Datatrician

We shine a light on your data consumption, giving you the power to understand and consciously reshape your information diet.

You're getting information from social media, from other people from netflix, from podcasts it's pouring into your conscious mind ... most of that information that's coming at you is negative information. You have the ability to reject that!

Bob Proctor Proctor Gallagher Institute, "Stepping Into Your Confidence"

Are You Aware of Your Digital Diet?


Your eyes consume more information in one hour than your ancestors did in their entire lifetime.


Every piece of content shapes you—consciously and unconsciously—affecting your behavior, emotions, and core beliefs.


Understanding these patterns through measurement is your first step toward conscious digital consumption.

Scroll to discover how this affects your daily life

Your Brain on Information Overload

Websites contain densely packed information that your brain processes in milliseconds. Every image, color, and word triggers countless interpretations—most of them below your conscious awareness.

150,000+ visual elements processed by your brain on an average website visit

Start measuring your digital diet in under 2 minutes

Knowledge is Power

Just as cybersecurity keeps your devices safe, we're here to protect your most valuable asset: your mind. We report content beyond screen time analysis to make your digital experiences truly beneficial and enriching for your well-being.

Detailed content impact analysis
Mental exposure patterns
Actionable protection insights

Start in Minutes

Three simple steps to digital clarity


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Simple installation for web and mobile


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Instant insights from your everyday usage



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Navigate Life with Clarity

Experience the freedom of a mind unbound by digital manipulation. Take command of your perception and create the reality you truly desire.

Break free from information manipulation
Reclaim sovereignty over your mental space
Shape your own digital horizon

with our service, you can navigate the digital world confidently, taking ownership over your perception and reality

Join thousands reclaiming their reality

Transform Your Digital Reality

At WellBean AI, we're pioneering the science of digital well-being. By measuring and analyzing your information exposure, we help you cultivate a nourishing digital environment that aligns with your desired state of mind.

Real-time analysis of your digital diet's impact on mental clarity

Insights to maintain harmony between technology and well-being